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  • aequus,aequa,aequum to make fair or right


  • socer, soceri, m.,  father in law

  • tempto, temptas, temptare, temptavi, temptatum to attempt


  • annus, anni m., year

  • triforme, triformis having three forms, shapes, or natures


  • cornu, cornus, n., the horns of the moon


  • orbis, orbis,m., an orb (sphere)​


  • terra, terrae, f., earth, soil, dirt


  • umerus, umeri, m., shoulder (specifically of a human)

  • capillus, capilli, m., hair

184 ​

  • vagus,vaga,vagum wandering, rambling


  • incomitatus,incomitata,incomitatum, unaccompanied


  • umidus, umida, umidum to be moist, wet or damp


  • sidus, sideris n., group of stars, constellation

  • mico, micas, micare to twinkle, glitter, flash


  • crinis, crinis, m., hair


  • ululatus, ululatus, m., howling, wailing


  • succedo, succedis, to be succeeded by


  • conscius, conscia, conscium, conscious, aware of, knowing


  • magus, maga, magum, magic, magical


  • polleo, polles, pollere, mighty, strong


  • ripa, ripae, river bank, riverside, waterside, shore


  • sisto, sistis, sistere, to cause to stand; to set; to place


  • fretum, freti, n., sea narrow, sea


  • ventus, venti, m., wind


  • vipereus, viperea, vipereum, snake, viper

  • carmen, carminis, n., song


  • saxum, saxi, n., stone, rock


  • mons, montis, m., mountain


  • minuo, minuis, minuere, to lessen


  • venenum, veneni ,n., poison

  • palleo, palles, pallere, pale








Ovid Text

posse tuae videor spatium transcribere vitae?
nec sinat hoc Hecate, nec tu petis aequa; sed isto,

quod petis, experiar maius dare munus, Iason.                     175
arte mea soceri longum temptabimus aevum,
non annis revocare tuis, modo diva triformis
adiuvet et praesens ingentibus adnuat ausis.'
    Tres aberant noctes, ut cornua tota coirent
efficerentque orbem; postquam plenissima fulsit                    180
ac solida terras spectavit imagine luna,
egreditur tectis vestes induta recinctas,
nuda pedem, nudos umeris infusa capillos,
fertque vagos mediae per muta silentia noctis
incomitata gradus: homines volucresque ferasque                185
solverat alta quies, nullo cum murmure saepes,
inmotaeque silent frondes, silet umidus aer,
sidera sola micant: ad quae sua bracchia tendens
ter se convertit, ter sumptis flumine crinem
inroravit aquis ternisque ululatibus ora                                  190
solvit et in dura submisso poplite terra
'Nox' ait 'arcanis fidissima, quaeque diurnis
aurea cum luna succeditis ignibus astra,
tuque, triceps Hecate, quae coeptis conscia nostris
adiutrixque venis cantusque artisque magorum,                195
quaeque magos, Tellus, pollentibus instruis herbis,
auraeque et venti montesque amnesque lacusque,
dique omnes nemorum, dique omnes noctis adeste,
quorum ope, cum volui, ripis mirantibus amnes
in fontes rediere suos, concussaque sisto,                           200
stantia concutio cantu freta, nubila pello
nubilaque induco, ventos abigoque vocoque,
vipereas rumpo verbis et carmine fauces,
vivaque saxa sua convulsaque robora terra
et silvas moveo iubeoque tremescere montis                       205
et mugire solum manesque exire sepulcris!
te quoque, Luna, traho, quamvis Temesaea labores
aera tuos minuant; currus quoque carmine nostro
pallet avi, pallet nostris Aurora venenis!

Syntax Questions
  1. In the line "posse tuae videor spatium transcribere vitae?" scan the line and identify any instances of elision.

  2. In line 175, "quod petis, experiar maius dare munus, Iason," what is the case and function of "Iason"?

  3. Scan the line "arte mea soceri longum temptabimus aevum," and identify the caesura.

  4. What is the main idea conveyed by Medea's words "arte mea soceri longum temptabimus aevum, non annis revocare tuis" in the passage?

    1. ​She plans to use her skills to extend her father-in-law's life

    2. She wants to bring back someone from the dead

    3. She intends to reverse the aging process for Jason's father

    4. She wants to gain immortality for herself

  5. In the phrase "postquam plenissima fulsit ac solida terras spectavit imagine luna," what is the main verb and its tense?

  6. What poetic device is used in the line "sidera sola micant" to describe the stars?

    1. ​Metaphor

    2. Simile

    3. Personification

    4. Alliteration

  7. In line 185, Medea uses the metaphor "homines volucresque ferasque" to describe a specific aspect of the scene. What does this metaphor suggest about the environment or atmosphere?

  8. In the line "efficerentque orbem; postquam plenissima fulsit ac solida terras spectavit imagine luna," what metaphor is used to describe the moon, and how does this metaphor contribute to the imagery of the scene?

  9. What power does Medea claim to have over natural elements and forces in lines 200-205?

  10. How does the Medea's tone change throughout the passage, and what does this reveal about her emotions or intentions?

  11. Where do we see the change/metamorphoses in this story?


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