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"Do I seem able to prolong the span of your life?
Neither let Hecate allow this, nor do you seek what is fair; but for that,
which you seek, I will attempt to give a greater gift, Jason.
By my art, we will attempt a long life for your father-in-law,
Not by adding years to yours, as long as the three-formed goddess
Helps and assents to our grand undertakings."

Three nights remained until the horns would come together
and form a sphere; after the full moon shone
and watched the earth with its full image,
She went out of the house, dressed in loose garments,
Barefoot, with hair flowing over her bare shoulders,
And she wandered unaccompanied through the silent stillness of the night.
Deep rest had released men, birds, and beasts;
No murmur came from the hedges,
The unmoving leaves were silent, the damp air was silent,
Only the stars twinkle: towards which she stretched her arms
Three times she turned around, three times she sprinkled her hair
with water taken from a stream, and with three howls
She opened her lips and, bending her knee on the hard ground,
‘Night,’ she said, ‘most faithful to secrets, and you, golden stars,
who succeed the fires of the day with the moon,
And you, three-formed Hecate, who are aware of our undertakings
and come as an assistant to our songs and magic arts,
And you, Earth, who provide powerful herbs for magicians,
And you, breezes and winds, mountains and rivers, lakes,
And all gods of the groves, and all gods of the night, be present,
With whose help, when I wished, the rivers returned
to their sources, to the astonishment of their banks, and I stop the seas stirred,
I stir the standing seas with a song, I drive away clouds
and bring them forth, I call and dismiss the winds,
I break the jaws of vipers with words and song,
I move living rocks and trees torn from the earth,
And I command the mountains to tremble and the ground to roar
And the shades to exit the tombs!
I draw you too, Moon, although Temesean bronze
May lessen your labors; my song also pales
the chariot of the sun, and dawn grows pale from my poisons!

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